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July 28, 2005


I have an appointment this evening with a realtor- the first of three lined up for the next few days. This is the primary step in selling my apartment; tonight I will have an idea of how much it might sell for and whether I will leap into the market now or in a few months.

2005-07-28 lexshelf3.jpg

In preparation for this meeting, I tried to clean the house a bit, which translated to "let's try and hide as much crap that I own as possible." It was a stressful maneuver (I have a lot of crap...but mainly books- LAYERS of books- that need to be stowed in a more effective manner) that took more than an hour to complete.

Later, en route to the Summer House, I began to panic. So much stuff! And that is just MY apartment. Lexacor East is equal in volume.

Restless and anxious, I paced Lex's apartment, snapping photos in an attempt to calm my nerves. It worked. The act of viewing life through a close-up lens greatly reduced the overwhelming feeling. I found this to be pretty neat- it was as if the use of the camera helped narrow the scope of life for a minute, helping me to appreciate the smaller, simpler things...especially our crap.

Posted by callalillie at July 28, 2005 9:00 AM | Home Improvement , Random


without a doubt, it is often much more beneficial to ignore the forest, get past the tree, and enjoy a single leaf. maybe that's why i like my macro lens so much.

focus in more than one sense of the word.

Posted by: bobtrancho at July 28, 2005 11:23 AM

and rust. you like rust.

Posted by: corie at July 28, 2005 1:36 PM

rent a storage space to thin out your apartment. store books and clothes and things you dont use so your apartment does not seem cluttered, and your closets seem to have a lot of space. see watching all that hgtv pays off...

Posted by: skutchie at August 1, 2005 7:00 AM

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